Thursday, March 5, 2020

5 Guitar Gadgets That Will Change Your Life

5 Guitar Gadgets That Will Change Your Life Suzy S. When youre a beginner learning the guitar, does brand name matter?  For the basics, an inexpensive (but still quality!) instrument is completely fine, and can offer you a great starting point. Ultimately, the difference between a $100 guitar and a more expensive guitar can be subjective it all comes down to what you prefer and what your end goals are. On the other hand, there are some added accessories that can make a huge impact on your playing, no matter how much you shelled out for your guitar.  With a great collection of guitar gadgets, you can make a big impression.  Here are just a few awesome accessories to add to your bag: 1. Capo A capo is essentially a clamp that you attach to your fretboard, shortening the length and moving the end of the board, allowing you to play in different keys using basic chords.  This allows you to play tougher songs, and especially comes in handy if youre singing along and need to adjust to your vocal range.  If youre anticipating some impromptu karaoke, a capo is essential for your accessory collection. 2. Tuner Learning how to tune a guitar takes practice, and some players just dont have the natural talent to tune by ear and thats ok! But thats where an electronic tuner will come into play. Tuners can be purchased at any music store, or there are also several apps available for your Smartphone for easier access. 3. The right strings Note that this isnt just any strings. The type of  strings you choose will impact your sound, as well as your ability to play for some beginners.  Generally, heavier strings will give you a fuller sound.  If heavy metal is your preferred style, youll want to go with heavier strings. However, if you havent developed calluses yet, heavy strings can be pretty painful.  Most beginners choose thinner strings for this reason, but keep in mind that they break easily so pick up a few extra packs!  Of course, remember to restring your guitar regularly, especially if youre playing often. 4. Metronome A metronome is one piece of equipment that every musician needs to own. Using a metronome will help with your timing, rhythm, tackling tough phrases and more.  Even if you think you have that internal timing, practicing  with a metronome is important. 5. An arsenal of apps The great thing about living in the generation of iPhones, iPads and Smartphones is the availability of apps to help you with well, pretty much anything! There are a ton of music apps on the market, free or otherwise, ranging from tuners to metronomes to chord charts and more. Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo by burgerfeet1.

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